Feb 04, 2023
Author:Jackson Watson
Are you wondering why your dog's poop is black? Being a responsible pet parent, this is something you should know. Dog poop is actually a great window into your furry pal’s health.
In this article, you will get to know why dog poop is black and what to do if your dog poop black but not tarry. Let's get started:
The color of faeces can tell you if your dog is hydrated enough or even if your furry companion has some underlying health issues. Black poop color can point to a number of health issues and digestive conditions. It can often be caused by something serious.
Here are some reasons why dog poop is black but not tarry.
Some medications may cause internal bleeding in certain cases. Black poop could be due to a bad reaction to a medication. If your dog is on medication and you notice black poop, stop giving the medication and contact your vet.
When your pet’s metabolism is off, his stool might be off too. Black poop in dogs may be a sign of metabolic disease like hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease). They can be easily diagnosed using a routine blood test.
Black poop indicates that there is digested blood present in your dog's upper digestive tract. This is often called 'melena'. It has turned black because dog's digestive system has already worked hard to try to digest this blood.
This condition is usually caused by liver disease, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and neoplasia. A bleeding ulcer is a common concerning cause of black stools. Blood exposed to gastric acids turns black, resulting in black dog poop.
If your dog's poop looks black, it could be a sign of an injury to the dog's digestive system. Black poop most often indicates that there is bleeding in the digestive system. Injuries to the digestive system may be caused by ingestion of sharp parts of toys and other random sharp items. It can also be due to a recent surgery on the gastrointestinal tract.
Various infectious agents may lead to black dog poop. It is usually caused by internal bleeding of the stomach or small intestines due to any infectious agent like an internal parasite or a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. In this case, dog poop will likely be very smelly as well.
Cancer in dogs can cause black poop. It can also be caused by bleeding tumors located in the stomach. Other accompanying symptoms might be lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, and weight loss. In fact, any type of tumor can potentially lead to dog's black stool. Observing your furry child and noticing any symptoms is important. The sooner cancer is diagnosed, the better chances of treatment and extending your pet’s life.
If your dog is having some type of health problem, you need to examine it and take it seriously.
You can also check out the related post: Here’s All You Need to Know About Your Dog’s Poo
As a caring pet parent, it’s your job to be aware and proactive to your pup’s health. If you notice that your dog’s poop is black, here's what you should do:
Just like us, dogs need to rest and limit physical activity to help their body heal and repair itself. Plenty of rest can help your pup heal faster. Let the dog rest for a long time.
Speak with your vet to see what diet is best for your dog. Some dogs may require hypoallergenic diets. Let the dog eat a bland diet or soft diet that is never harsh on the stomach. The diet should be based on your dog's breed, age, gender, and activity level.
Usually, black dog poop warrants a call to your vet, especially if your dog is appearing lethargic or experiencing other symptoms like vomiting. Talk to your vet about your dog's health concerns. Discuss with him if you suspect there might be an underlying medical issue. The earlier you address the underlying issue, the better chances of recovery for your dog. So, it’s better to see a vet sooner to get them the care and treatment they need.
In the case that your dog is suffering parasites or any infectious agents, appropriate medications will help overcome it. Often, your dog will have a follow up tests and exam to determine if the medications have been effective. You can try some medications including antacids, antibiotics, and probiotics.
Dogs can quickly become dehydrated. If your dog is suffering from gastric ulceration, you vet will look at rehydration and recommend fluids depending on the severity of the problem. Provide your dog plenty of fluids and water to avoid dehydration.
Clean fresh running water is the best option for your furry pal. WOpet Dog Water Fountain provides enough water for a dog to drink 2 weeks or longer. It has a double filtration system that can offer fresh and clean water for your dog. The water fountain is easy to clean.
Remember that dogs can eat all sorts of strange things which will often appear in their poop. Examining your dog’s poop will allow you to pick up on irregularities quicker. This may help you to diagnose serious disorders before they get worse!
If you have any further queries about dog poop color, don’t hesitate to ask.
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